Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI), Chennai Chapter in association with DEOC, UNDP, TNSDC and CII-IBDN, organized “the workshop on creating an inclusive workplace for persons with disabilities” at Hotel Taj Coromandel on 7th February 2025. The workshop emphasised on the legal mandate and practical strategies to create inclusive workplaces for persons with disabilities in the private sector. More than 500 invitations were emailed to Leaders and HR managers of companies / MSMEs/ Industrial associations based in and around Chennai by Tamilnadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and MSSI Chennai Chapter.
The workshop deliberated in detail the Human Rights based perspectives and Etiquette on disability as well as the best practices in inclusive employment for persons with disabilities. The session being moderated by Smitha Sadasivan, Member of Managing Committee, MSSI Chennai Chapter.
Rama Krishnamachari and Ruchira from the Diversity Equal Opportunities Centre (DEOC), spoke about the technical aspects of evolving an Equal Opportunity Policy, Grievance redressal mechanism etc, provided by the Rights of Persons with disabilities Act 2016. The practical group activity on design thinking enabled the participants to have a clear understanding on adapting accessible workspaces and processes for fellow employees with disabilities and instilled confidence in them to execute the learnings from the workshop towards implementation at their own organizations.
Special Guests included senior experts from the Disability movement, Accessibility practitioners, Project Director at TNSDC, Country Head, Sustainable & Inclusive Growth, UNDP and Senior leaders from CII and Young India Chennai Chapter. The Chief Guest address by the Project Director, TNSDC enlightened the audience about the Tamil Nadu Government’s initiative to work with both persons with disabilities and corporates/ industries towards creating a range of successful skill platforms and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.