The month of February ushers in spring in India and what better time could there be to observe India MS Day and so the first Sunday of February every year is celebrated as the India MS Day.
MSSI PUNE Chapter with Indian Medical Association (IMA) Pune organised a Walkathon of about 2 kms at Tilak Road. The Walkathon with IMA was worked upon by MSSI IMSD Representative (National) Mrs. Jyoti Ronghe and Ms. Gayatri Joshi.
President of IMA Pune, Dr. Sanjay Patil, Ex-President, Dr. Padma Iyer , Secretary IMA Pune, Dr. Variyani, MSSI committee members, few volunteers, 3 MS Persons, around 10 IMA doctors were there for the Walkathon. Everybody gathered at the IMA House at 7.30 am and registered themselves. The participants wore Bibs and caps with IMSD theme # know Mltiple Sclerosis.
The walk started at 8 am and Dr. Sanjay Patil & Dr.Variyani addressed the gathering. The attendees held placards of MSSI throughout the walk for about an hour.
Reshma Valliapan, a renowned activist who runs an organisation called the Red Door also supported us in the Walkathon. She discussed the various disabilities of MS Persons with our committee members.
After walking for 2 kms, everybody gathered back at the IMA House at 9.30 am. There was breakfast arranged by IMA Pune for all the participants. Everyone enjoyed the delicious meal and disbursed thereafter around 10.30 am.
MSSI Pune is thankful to the wonderful team of IMA who supported us heartedly.