MSSI Chennai Chapter had a “Face to Face” programme on 23.03.2019. The evening started with “Meditation Session” by Dr Kalpana. Later Dr Bashyam, who is a renowned researcher and practitioner of “Surya Namaskar” took over the next session. He started the session with prayer. He briefed our MS persons about the importance of sunlight, vitamin D and Yoga. Deep breathing in and out, preferably on an empty stomach, is very beneficial for overall health issues.
Mrs. Hema beautifully demonstrated the 12 postures of Surya Namaskar yoga in a chair and requested MS persons and their caregivers follow the instructions and practice the same at home to get effective results. For follow up, they are advised to show the steps in the next meeting. The MS persons were asked to volunteer to do the Gummi (a folk dance about sunlight).
The evening came to a happy ending with MS person, Mr. Arun Kumar and Mr. Kenzer cutting a birthday cake to the joyous singing of Happy Birthday by all the 50 MS persons and their caregivers.
Sumptuous snacks and tea brought the meeting to a close.