An MSSI Fundraiser event called Retro Beats Songs of yesteryear by Ambrish Bhattacharjee & Fusion Beats Dhara 2.0 was held on 18 February 2018 at Cinema Hall of Poona Club.
The program started at 7.00 pm. Chairperson Mr. Banerjee was introduced to the audience by Mrs. Asha Merchant Hon. Jt. Secretary. Mr. Banerjee gave a small welcome speech and introduction of MSSI. Founder chairperson Mrs. Mini Grant was called upon to release the souvenir.
The main event started by 7:15 pm by songs (old Hindi & Bengali) of Mr. Ambrish Bhattacharjee. His melodious voice and soulful rendering of the numbers endeared him to the audience.
During the program the souvenirs were distributed to all the participants.
A short Intermission of nearly 20 minute was observed at 8pm.During interval snacks and tea was provided to MS Persons and their caregivers sponsored by MSSI. Poona club caterers had put upsnacks stalls which everyone could access on purchase of tokens.
The program Fusion beats Dhara2.0 started after the break. Guru Shumita Mahajan and her students enthralled the audience with their dance performances. The program ended at around 9:45 pm.
Mrs. Chandrakala Shetty, Managing committee member proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Banerjee felicitated the artistes.
Committee members and Staff contributed greatly to the success of this event.